About this trip
The Pyrenean Chamois is a legendary species in the Pyrenees Mountain. They are especially abundant on the steep slopes and in the forests of South-western France. This trip takes place on free range estates in the South of France (several thousands hectares) where the altitude can vary from 600 to 1800 meters.
The Pyrenean Chamois (Male & Female) hunting season opens beginning of October, just before the mating season begins. The males come out of hiding at this time of the year and are more likely to venture out into open spaces.
The season runs from mid-September to the end of February. The rut begins in November. It’s definitely an interesting period for our guests as they can often see big old males in search of females.
The outing will start just after sunshine. The chamois are feeding in grass fields in the early mornings. This is a great opportunity to watch several groups of animals and then make a plan with your guide. Chamois are usually spotted from a long distance. It makes the stalk very challenging and very rewarding. Our guide will get you to the best “shooting position” as close as possible from the selected chamois. Then it’s up to your shooting skill … no hurry … take your time … breath … and kill the chamois of your dream cleanly.
The outings can last from sunshine to sunrise. However the most exiting times are mornings and evenings when the Chamois are feeding. During day time they tend to lie down in the bushes and enjoy the sun. Finding them is more difficult for a few hours so we have a quick break for lunch and get ready for the afternoon.
Hunters must be able to shooting from 100 to 300 metres laying down on backpack or bipod. However our guides will try to get them as close as possible to allow a clean and safe shot.
We will normally book our guests in a lovely local hotel offering comfortable rooms, good food and local wines. Our hotels are used to welcome hunters all year round. They can arrange early breakfast, packed lunches and late diners if required … as well as massage service if required.
We arrange all the paper work for you. Your hunting licence will be ready when you arrive.
Equipment & Climate
Night : -5°C to 5°C / Day : 5°C to 15°C
You will need a good pair of boots, confortable and breathable clothes, a pair of binoculars and a small back pack.